Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Human Zoos

            Industrilization bought many changes along with the new technology. One being leisure time being seen from a whole new angle. In the past anybody who had leisure time was seen as lazy, and a bum. However with industrilization new technology and approaches made everything much quicker, giving people free time. Having free time caused many recreational activities to form such as sports, amusement parks, and in particular, zoos.
            The normal person sees a zoo as a park containing only animals on display due to the laws of today. However back in the time of industrilization it was a little different. In order to make people more interested and make more money, people came up with the idea of putting other humans from foreign lands on display, one of the first being Venus Hottentot. Venus was born into the Khoi people around 1790 in south africa. Later around 1810 upon the arrival of Dutch Farmer Raiders, venus was taken to be sold as a slave. However after being amazed by her physical features such as wider hips a dutch decided to sell her to Sarah Baartman, a scottish animal trainer, who would proceed to tour and display her, and sell her to other people until her death. After her death her organs were put on display in the Museum of Natural History until 1974 when they were transported and buried in africa after a debate. 
           One other famous human display was Ota Benga. Ota was put on display in a zoo and labeled as the missing link between humans and apes. When put on display he would do things such as shoot arrows and weave twine. People were fascinated by his features such as the teeth that had been sharpened to a point back in africa, which depicted him as the "savage" stereotype put on africans. That stereotype was put on him due to africa not being entirely colonized, unlike the phillipines that the U.S. had colonized. Upon colonizing the phillipines in 1898, the united states made a display of a fillipino school with people on display being peaceful and learning. It was meant to show how colonizing is good, along with the United States. After being on display for a few days and being placed in a cage with apes, Ota Benga was taken down due to people protesting against it, even though many were marvelled by the display. One person against it in particular was Revered James H. Gordon who stated, "Our race, we think, is depressed enough, without exhibiting one of us with the apes. We think we are worthy of being considered human beings, with souls." After his departure from the zoo, Ota was sent to virginia with normal clothes, and caps over his sharpened teeth where he worked at a tobacco factory. Ota was a valuable employee due to his ability to climb to the top of the trees. He would often tell stories about his past to other workers in exchange for food. Ota's goal was to make enough money to get back to africa however, after the start of world war one he wasnt able to. That led him into depressing, and eventually suicide by a african tribal fire, where he removed his teeth caps.
                     However Ota and Venus werent the first humans put on display. It traces all the way back to ancient egypt where soldiers would parade Sudanese people around the cities after they conquered them. "barbarians" were also paraded around roman streets to show the strength of the roman empire. Ultimately the human zoos in the industrial era had the same objective. The owners of the displays would say it was for science, and to show how its good to take over. Truly meaning that they saw the people on display as lower down on the chain of evolution, which gave countries a good reason to take over others.
                        The first major human zoo was at the paris fair of 1878. On display were people taken from french colonies in  Indochina, Senegal, and Tahiti. The chicago fair of 1893 had even more with people from Jara, Samoa, Dahomey, Egypt, and North American Indians. Another was the Greater Britain Exposition of  1899 which has south african animals and natives. The people were made to do crafts, and dances in their "villages" in order to fit the stereotypes. Stereotypes played a huge role in the humans on display, still having a influence today. Arabs being put on display were labelled as characters from the book Thousand and One Nights while indians were given the label from cowboy and indian books. Native americans stereotypes however changed after wounded knee in 1890. Prior to that event indians werent allowed to be put on display to promote equality, that event however gave the indians savage label. In order to prevent that view on the indians, the government allowed them to be shown and promote a more peaceful view. Indians protested against that as one would expect but shockingly their only goal was to be able to manage the exhibits themselves in order to make more money. 
                     Many immigrants realized that human zoos were a good source of income, and due to being uneducated volunteered to be on display. Many would have to change their clothes, hair, and appearance in order to fit the expectations of audiences. Along with those, many also became victims of racist violence. Not all races were succesful though, a group a aymara bolivians travelled from south america to new york to be told they werent "exotic" enough and sent back home. William Henry Johnson was a african american child who was sold by his desperate for income family at the age of 4. Due to his facial features such as a small cranium he was put on display and forced to wear a hairy suit and grunt while being titled "What is it?" 
                    While human zoos faded away by the mid/early 20th century, more recent ones have shown as late as the 2000s, and while those people were payed and could go home to sleep, it was a topic of debate. Along with being a shameful mark of the past, human zoos also could be blamed as a major source in the history of racism. Industrilization caused the spawn of many good and bad things, and people should be aware of those in order to prevent problems in the future. 

people shown giving africans food as if they as at a petting zoo
ota benga being shown in a cage with chimps.

a poster advertising the human zoo in germanyhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Humanzoogermany.jpg

the entrance to a exhibit representing one of the french colonial empires. They were built to show the culture of the colonial people. 

a poster advertising an exhibit of venus hottenthot


Monday, November 30, 2015


After looking at multiple data sets i have come to multiple conclusions and questions. One being that the United States tend to have the highest number of people migrating in. Thats possibly due to the U.S. still having the "land of opportunity" label. The people coming tend to be from all over the world. Europe also has a high incoming rate, mainly from the middle east. That is possibly due to the conflicts currently going on there. Many of the migrants from the middle east tend to only go into countries near them. Im guessing that is due to them not being able to afford the travel to more distant countries. What did surprise me, and make me question why, was that mexico was the number one country for americans to immigrate to. Made me think is Mexico getting better, or the united states getting worse?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Investigating primary sources

1. You can learn that the entire page is about the ball. The page is about the costumes, meaning they assume thats what the readers want to learn about. The newspaper seems to see it as a big deal such as a royal marriage.

2. This article informs you of the schedule of what when down at the ball. The illustrator seems to be praising the ball, thinking it was amazing.

3. The minister criticized the ball because he saw it being possible that the money be dispensed in more useful ways such as charity. The newspaper published his view so the public could think about how much that money would help having been used on better things.

4. From reading this piece, the society of the time was very interested in the ball due to the article having sections on the people at the ball, inside the ball room, and what happened in and out of the ball.

Monday, November 9, 2015

thinking about success

1. Opportunity
2.Hard Work
3. Skill
4. Luck

I ranked opportunity number 1 due to it varying between different people, some take advantage of their opportunity while others dont. Also 2 people could have the same skill set and intelligence, just one is born into a wealthier family, giving him a better opportunity for his future. Hardwork is number 2, above skill because anybody can work hard, and also working can be used to acquire skill, making the work more important. Luck is last because while it can help some, it helps very few meaning one cant just sit around and wait for the perfect chance to become rich. They must work and find the opportunity to get money.
-Drake the rapper claims to have started from the bottom in one of his songs, while he truly didnt.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Business Innovation

Today i learned about the 3 main clothing manufacturers H&M, Uniqlo, and Zara and how they all have different approaches in the fashion industry. Zara is a spanish based company that takes the approach on fashion as being quick and responsive to trends. In order to do so the company has a quick schedule in which it can quickly ship small batches of trendy clothes to retailer and if needed make quick changes to keep up to date. On the other hand there is the company Uniqlo who takes a different approach. Rather than quickly updating to fashion trends like Zara does, Uniqlo does style that will stay in fashion for a long time and also be able to keep well in quality. In order to do so Uniqlo spends months before hand designing what they anticipate to be trends. While Uniqlo and Zara are on complete opposite sides, H&M is in between. In order to be in the middle H&M's approach is to release two main collections, one for fall and one for spring which will have what H&M thinks is long term trends, the same as Uniqlo's approach. While releasing the two main collections, H&M also releases sub collections in between which keep up with the sudden trends much more like the Zara approach.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Investigating representation of Indians in the 19th century.


B. In this activity we are reading a old textbook entry about the colonies in america that involves the colonists confrontations with indians. The book depicts the indians as savage, meaning fierce, violent, and out of control also as savagery, meaning the condition of being primitive or uncivilized.

C. If i were a american student reading this text it would give me the impression of indians being brutal people who killed all others. That would make me be afraid of and despise all indians i encountered. The depiction of the indians makes it seem as if its a good thing they were forced into reclusive reservations.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


These Indians just keep on getting worse and worse. On the fifth a band of Cheyennes attacked a group of surveyors and killed all except one who is in critical condition. The indians had no mercy, they showed up drunk and were given a kind welcome but kept demanding things such as alcohol from the surveyors. After the surveyors kept on denying them, the indians quickly attacked the surveyors. Once they thought they were all dead the indians then looted the camp and rode off. Thankfully a team was organized who managed to catch the indians who will most likely be hung due to their actions. Hopefully that news will spread and the indians will learn a lesson to not mess around.


social media vs newspapers

Our use of social media is selective and intentional so that we tend to remain interested in only things we've already been interested in, where as newspapers expose readers to information on a broad range of topics. This can connect communities by providing information about what others might be interested in. It may raise questions i never thought to ask.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


1. newspaper-a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about local events, advertisements, etc., and that are folded together and sold every day or every week

2. The first newspaper appeared in the 1400s in germany.

3. Some of the oldest newspapers in the U.S. were the boston newsletter of 1704 and  The New England Courant of 1721.

4. The main stories are ones involving crime such as hunters finding a human skull, and trials for robbery.

5. A newspaper of record is a publicly available newspaper that has been authorised by a government to publish public or legal notices. New York times was first designated in 1913. Other papers are the washington post and Los Angeles Times.

6. Its much easier for somebody to make news on the internet than newspaper due to newspaper having more serious news while social media tends to be all over the place. Newspaper is also much more reliable due to the ease of the public to access social media news. Social media news is begging to take over due to more use of internet,its ease of access, and no cost.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Poverty with Native Americans

Ever since the migration of Europeans into North American the Native Americans have always been seen as inferior. With the expansion of colonial american the natives were forced to move west which caused many problems. One of the most famous events related to that was the trail of tears which was policy that forced natives to move from their land east of the Mississippi river to land in the west. Many suffered from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion causing nearly 30% of the 15000 to die. When they finally reached their destination the natives faced even more problems. The land they were put on was seen as worthless by the whites and completely different than the natives original homes, meaning they had no way to survive due to their heavy connection with nature which also damaged religion.
Aside from their devastating blow to native culture, the U.S. government kept going with the Dawes act of 1887. The goal of that act was to eliminate indian culture without eliminating indian people. That led to actions where indians were prevented from living in their tradition tribal style and instead were forced to each own pieces of land just like the americans did. Aside from tribal culture being killed indians were also banned from making money in their traditional ways such as fishing, hunting, and art. Due to no sources of income the native americans were left in poverty and very few have been able to escape in modern times with nearly 30% of American Indians and Alaskan natives being in poverty according to the U.S. census bureau. With indian reservations normally being nowhere near other civilizations, many do not know the suffering natives go through but, with the spreading of awareness actions can be taken to help them achieve normal lives.
-reservation home in north dakota


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reflection 1st quarter

Throughout this quarter i have grown in categories and have area to develop in others. One of my improvements was learning about how slavery still has had lasting effects still going on. Such as the family of former slaves never being able to escape poverty. Another area i learned about was how much of a impact media has on history. One area being western films, due to media cowboys are seen as intelligent adventurers, making money off breaking the law. While in reality they were poor laborers who had little money and almost no chance of improvement. Along with films having a impact, i learned how literature did also. Due to the dime novels many cowboys were also given the same stereotype that films gave them. Learning about those facts made me realize how false my views were of the west due to media.

Due to films i had seen the west as dry, wild plains with small towns scattered about. While the true west is actually very diverse, with mountains, desserts, fields, and more. Aside from the history of the west i also learned about the complexity of reuniting the north and south after the civil war. One of my areas of improvement is finding better sources for research. The film project was difficult due to many sites on film being a commercial site rather than .gov or .org. However i still managed to find reliable sources even though i could have found more. In the future i hope to study different categories but with the same strategy. Such as watching how media has portrayed other points in history such as WW2 or the cold war.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Films have been popular ever since the invention of the video camera. Many see movies to escape reality whether it be to fight future aliens, or discover a new country in the 1600s. Movies have no requirement of being accurate but many are due to the knowledge somebody feels when reading the “based on a true story” at the end of film. However being “based” on a film doesn’t mean it’s 100% true. However in the case of movies such as Glory and 12 Years a Slave a viewer can develop thoughts learn about of true history.
Aside from getting great reviews from places such as Rotten Tomatoes, the film 12 Years a Slave won many awards due to its excellence in portrayal and accuracy of slavery. The film is based on the book also titled 12 Years a Slave, and is a near perfect translation into video. Aside from small things happening in the movie that never happened in the book, such as Solomon pleasuring the woman. And the sailor stabbing the slave, who in reality died from sickness the movie is all true. While making a movie about the entire book would be extremely long, the filmmaker Steve McQueen does a excellent job of condensing the most important info into a 2 hour film. However doing so added scenes that would be controversial, especially due to the recent conflict of racism. When asked about that McQueen stated that it’s our history, and we should learn about it whether we like it or not. Getting to see slavery from the view of a slave gives the viewer a different perception of history aside from the standard textbook view. The film shows the horrible work the slaves endure along with the brutal torture methods that history textbooks can show. Getting to see a person’s pain and emotions gives the viewer a much better feel of how horrendous slavery was than reading a textbook.
While the movie Glory isn’t as accurate as 12 Years a Slave, it still depicts an accurate view of the first black regiment in the civil war. In the film the regiment is composed of educated african americans, as well as escaped slaves. One of the major characters, represented with Denzel Washington, is a former slave who plays a major role in the movie. In reality however that would not have been true, the true 54th regiment was made up of all educated african americans from the north. That being a fact scenes such as the whipping of Washington’s already scarred back would not be true due to none of them being past slaves. Another error is when in the film the regiment attacks the fort from the north, while they truly attacked from the south, however that is not a major issue in depicting history. Many would say the film is not accurate due to it being from the view of the white leader, when asked about that the director Edwin Zwick stated that it was meant to be depicting the view of the whole regiment, not an individual. Along with those errors, another was the issue about getting the regiment uniforms, while it caused a big affair the obtain the uniforms in the film, the true regiment got their uniforms soon after enlisting. Aside from those mistakes, the viewer of the film still learns about the 54th regiment, and how they were the first all black regiment to fight in the civil war.
While 12 Years a Slave and Glory show different areas of slavery and racism they still inform the viewer about history in a short amount of time. While one shows the dark side of history, another shows how people can rise up and overcome the past. Proving that film can show what truly happened.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Paraphrasing it a important strategy in informing your read with info from the source, without quoting the entire source. Putting quotations in ones writing can be used as evidence to help strengthen your argument, and prove that you read the information.

This is what Mrs.Lawson wanted me to learn today:
  • Only use a quote when it adds power and style to my writing.
  • Always make it clear, from context, that i understand the full meaning of the quote.
  • Whether i quote or paraphrase, always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it.
  • If i use another author's presentation of the facts or ideas, but put their ideas in my own words, i better have a good reason for doing that, and I MUST give credit.
  • Hyperlinking is so easy, there is no excuse for not being transparent about my sources.
I understand these

Practicing Incorporating a Quotation

With the film being based from the perspective of a white general, it doesnt show the view of a black soldier. In order to solve that problem as one author stated, "The film should have, if possible, integrated some primary-source material from an enlisted (black) man’s perspective" Which would let the viewer see how being in that setting actually was.
"As well, the film paints race relations in the North as fairly rosy, with substantial prejudice but without virulent hatred. While a few white characters, such as the quartermaster who refuses to grant the regiment boots, speak rudely about black people, it is not particularly intense. This ignores a history of profound racism in the free state, with many black soldiers fighting in the war to prove their worth to society."-Alex Langer from McGillblogs.com

This film gives a weak portrayal of racism in the north. Even though there are a few racist white characters, they arent very intense. This ignores the history of racism in the free states, where many black soldiers were fighting for their role in society.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Empathy and History

While empathy and sympathy sound alike, they are very different. Sympathy means the feeling of sorrow for somebody else's bad fortune, while empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others. One can empathize without having the experience by putting themselves in the other shoes. Even though i was never alive in the civil rights times, i could put myself in a persons situation at that time and realize how normal those horrible things were of the time. Being able to empathize is key skill in history because it lets you put yourself in the shoes of others and see the reasons they did the things they did, while many wouldnt do so and just judge on their actions.