Tuesday, October 13, 2015


1. newspaper-a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about local events, advertisements, etc., and that are folded together and sold every day or every week

2. The first newspaper appeared in the 1400s in germany.

3. Some of the oldest newspapers in the U.S. were the boston newsletter of 1704 and  The New England Courant of 1721.

4. The main stories are ones involving crime such as hunters finding a human skull, and trials for robbery.

5. A newspaper of record is a publicly available newspaper that has been authorised by a government to publish public or legal notices. New York times was first designated in 1913. Other papers are the washington post and Los Angeles Times.

6. Its much easier for somebody to make news on the internet than newspaper due to newspaper having more serious news while social media tends to be all over the place. Newspaper is also much more reliable due to the ease of the public to access social media news. Social media news is begging to take over due to more use of internet,its ease of access, and no cost.


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