Monday, January 23, 2017

C10-4 Trump abortion policy

With Trump now being the official president of the United States, he is living up to many of his claims with one of those being anti abortion. Today he reinstated a policy that bans foreign aid or federal funding for international abortion programs. While that policy doesnt effect abortions in the United States it does however effect foreign countries. Many are saying that the act, which was taken down by Obama in 2008, is now setting abortion activism back many years. While many think Trump is doing this because he is against abortion it seems that he is doing this because thats what the people want him to do. A majority of Americans voted that they don't want abortions to be tax payed, and this is a step in that direction. However with these foreign abortion clinics most likely being shut down, the population in the poorer countries will be on the rise which could raise other problems.

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