Wednesday, September 7, 2016

News Post cycle 3

This post is discussing the senate's action on the zika virus, and it clearly shows how they are putting abortion clinics above zika in their priorities which seems very disturbing as their are way more cases of zika than abortions in the past year. Some of the members might have a logic that people will need much more abortions due to the zika virus infecting many. For some odd reason the senate democrats joined the republicans to pass a appropriations bill which included 1.1 billion to fight zika. However the democrats turned around and blocked multiple attempts to fund zika, which according to this post, they did so in order to blame republicans before the november election. Im not sure whether thus is true or not, as many say FOX is a republican sided news network, but if it is true, that is a very dirty way of winning votes without thinking about the people.

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