Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Investigating representation of Indians in the 19th century.


B. In this activity we are reading a old textbook entry about the colonies in america that involves the colonists confrontations with indians. The book depicts the indians as savage, meaning fierce, violent, and out of control also as savagery, meaning the condition of being primitive or uncivilized.

C. If i were a american student reading this text it would give me the impression of indians being brutal people who killed all others. That would make me be afraid of and despise all indians i encountered. The depiction of the indians makes it seem as if its a good thing they were forced into reclusive reservations.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


These Indians just keep on getting worse and worse. On the fifth a band of Cheyennes attacked a group of surveyors and killed all except one who is in critical condition. The indians had no mercy, they showed up drunk and were given a kind welcome but kept demanding things such as alcohol from the surveyors. After the surveyors kept on denying them, the indians quickly attacked the surveyors. Once they thought they were all dead the indians then looted the camp and rode off. Thankfully a team was organized who managed to catch the indians who will most likely be hung due to their actions. Hopefully that news will spread and the indians will learn a lesson to not mess around.


social media vs newspapers

Our use of social media is selective and intentional so that we tend to remain interested in only things we've already been interested in, where as newspapers expose readers to information on a broad range of topics. This can connect communities by providing information about what others might be interested in. It may raise questions i never thought to ask.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


1. newspaper-a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about local events, advertisements, etc., and that are folded together and sold every day or every week

2. The first newspaper appeared in the 1400s in germany.

3. Some of the oldest newspapers in the U.S. were the boston newsletter of 1704 and  The New England Courant of 1721.

4. The main stories are ones involving crime such as hunters finding a human skull, and trials for robbery.

5. A newspaper of record is a publicly available newspaper that has been authorised by a government to publish public or legal notices. New York times was first designated in 1913. Other papers are the washington post and Los Angeles Times.

6. Its much easier for somebody to make news on the internet than newspaper due to newspaper having more serious news while social media tends to be all over the place. Newspaper is also much more reliable due to the ease of the public to access social media news. Social media news is begging to take over due to more use of internet,its ease of access, and no cost.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Poverty with Native Americans

Ever since the migration of Europeans into North American the Native Americans have always been seen as inferior. With the expansion of colonial american the natives were forced to move west which caused many problems. One of the most famous events related to that was the trail of tears which was policy that forced natives to move from their land east of the Mississippi river to land in the west. Many suffered from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion causing nearly 30% of the 15000 to die. When they finally reached their destination the natives faced even more problems. The land they were put on was seen as worthless by the whites and completely different than the natives original homes, meaning they had no way to survive due to their heavy connection with nature which also damaged religion.
Aside from their devastating blow to native culture, the U.S. government kept going with the Dawes act of 1887. The goal of that act was to eliminate indian culture without eliminating indian people. That led to actions where indians were prevented from living in their tradition tribal style and instead were forced to each own pieces of land just like the americans did. Aside from tribal culture being killed indians were also banned from making money in their traditional ways such as fishing, hunting, and art. Due to no sources of income the native americans were left in poverty and very few have been able to escape in modern times with nearly 30% of American Indians and Alaskan natives being in poverty according to the U.S. census bureau. With indian reservations normally being nowhere near other civilizations, many do not know the suffering natives go through but, with the spreading of awareness actions can be taken to help them achieve normal lives.
-reservation home in north dakota


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reflection 1st quarter

Throughout this quarter i have grown in categories and have area to develop in others. One of my improvements was learning about how slavery still has had lasting effects still going on. Such as the family of former slaves never being able to escape poverty. Another area i learned about was how much of a impact media has on history. One area being western films, due to media cowboys are seen as intelligent adventurers, making money off breaking the law. While in reality they were poor laborers who had little money and almost no chance of improvement. Along with films having a impact, i learned how literature did also. Due to the dime novels many cowboys were also given the same stereotype that films gave them. Learning about those facts made me realize how false my views were of the west due to media.

Due to films i had seen the west as dry, wild plains with small towns scattered about. While the true west is actually very diverse, with mountains, desserts, fields, and more. Aside from the history of the west i also learned about the complexity of reuniting the north and south after the civil war. One of my areas of improvement is finding better sources for research. The film project was difficult due to many sites on film being a commercial site rather than .gov or .org. However i still managed to find reliable sources even though i could have found more. In the future i hope to study different categories but with the same strategy. Such as watching how media has portrayed other points in history such as WW2 or the cold war.